Protect your Bungalow's unique Character with our support
We ensure that the environment and character of the bungalow heritage area is preserved

The Bungalow Owner's Association (BOA)
Is formed by representatives from Clifton, Glen Beach & Bakoven bungalow areas and is a community based organisation recognised by the City of Cape Town and Heritage Western Cape.
This allows us to have a representative at meetings with other community based organisations (CBOs) which are included in WARD 54 and share some of the same interests.

Your Support System
The BOA takes interest in the matters affecting our members
Building Compliance
We scrutinize all new building plans to ensure compliance with the various by-laws and guidelines in particular those that relate to the Heritage status of the area.
Your City Contact
We liase with the City to ensure that the common areas including roads, pathways and public open spaces are maintained to a high standard.
Security In Mind
We work closely with SAPS, Camps Bay Community Police Forum, Camps Bay Security Initiative, Law Enforcement and Metro Police to ensure effective security.
Council Services
We assist members with issues relating to services such as public safety, refuse and garden waste removal, sewage, lighting, water and electrical services.
Event Applications
We review applications to the City for entertainment and sports events on the beaches and public open spaces to ensure that the natural environment is not put at risk and the rights of residents and the general public are not comprimised.
Member Support
We maintain open channels of communication with property owners and respond to their concerns, efficiently and effectively.

Owner's Info
The bungalows of Clifton, Glen Beach and Bakoven are a unique heritage rich design.
Heritage of the Beaches
The bungalows of Clifton, Glen Beach and Bakoven are one of Cape Town's most historically rich coastlines.

Member Testimonials
Support the BOA
So that we can keep protecting the unique Character and Heritage of the Bungalow Areas