Conserving Heritage & Natural Environment

Conserving Heritage & Natural Environment Around Your House
Victoria Road forms the boundary of the scenic drive and as such any property with Victoria Road as a boundary and those roads and pathways below Victoria Road must comply with Scenic Drive regulations. This includes public open spaces and pathways. The Scenic Drive regulations are there to ensure that buildings and boundary structures do not block views of natural beauty - in our case the coast line. There are height restrictions for buildings and fences, walls, hedges or vegetation must be kept low enough not to block views.
- Signage, postboxes, lighting, gates, etc. must occur below the lebel of the road and requires council's consent
- The fences or vegetation along your boundary must preserve views from the public pathways
- Boundary walls should comprise of a number of natural elements (e.g. stone base, greenery, timber fence) to provide for a rich public environment
- New boundary solid treatments cannot exceed 1,25 meters in height; above this height the treatment must not block the views visually

Pools are not part of the character and are to be small and unobstrusive.
- They are defined as structures and form part of the maximum development envelope
- Retaining walls to be stone clad
- No rim-flow pools are permitted
Aerials and Dishes
These should not be visible from any public footpath and should not project above the roofline.
The position of these items must be clearly shown on Council submission drawings. The owners must instruction the installation company of these requirements.
The bungalows can have decks with timber supports but total size is limited to 20m2 or less as long as this does not impede vegetation.
- Decks cannot replace green garden space and should be kept to a minimum
- Patios / balconies on solid plinths are part of maximum development envelope
- Timber pergolas are not to be continuous in front of bungalows and should be broken up to prevent a large-scaled interface with a bulky structure
- Timber pergolas must be fixed below the roof eaves and must be kept back from the side edges by at least 300mm
Garages and Carports
The few older garages in the area were single garages attached to the side of the bungalow with an "afdak" roof, just big enough to accommodate a car.
- Garages, where permitted, are not to be detrimental to vegetation or views
- On sites where garaging is possible, a single garage will be permitted
- A secondary attached open carport structure may be permitted if there is sufficient space and it does not negatively affect the context
- All garage doors are to be single doors made of timber (with vertical or horizontal slatting) or aluminium
- Carports are to be timber or steel construction. Pre-manufactured carports with shade-cloth are not appropriate in these areas
Support the BOA
So that we can keep protecting the unique Character and Heritage of the Bungalow Areas